Tuesday, September 15, 2015

First Meeting

The day was like any other Tuesday, warm and unbecoming. Unbeknownst to the country club members of Grand Lake Lodge Club House, in the very ballroom above them a new adventure was being embarked upon. Savannah College of Art and Design students were gathering as participants of Ocean Exchanges Film Internship. These interns would be called upon to create ten short two minute films for the ten finalists in the Ocean Exchange. Even the unpleasant aromas of the tiny elevator could not deter the brilliance and excitement that radiated off of the students.

Introductions were made and torture methods discussed. It was necessary after all to determine the best form of punishment for those who arrived late. The current group, though there are spots still open for it to grow, currently consists of Quentin Tarantino fans, cat lovers, and gamers. After going over the finalists list, the meeting was adjourned and the majority of the group departed for pizza.

Pizza is after all the fuel of college students, building friendships and keeping blood sugar up since the very beginning of time. Riverboat Pizza Company provided delicious pizzas and absurdly large calzones, though they had no bread to satisfy the sandwich requests. 

The original group of interns....but more were to come later.

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