Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Film # 3 (BTS)- Vampire Factory

"Vampire Factory"

From preproduction, we had all agreed that with this particular film we wanted to show that this solution not only helped the environment but gave jobs to people in need of one and wanted to show that particular element in our film.

We ended up going with a script about a vampire who wants to switch jobs from being in a lumber factory to a plastic factory.  The entire crew unanimously agreed upon William Swisher to be our main actor. Luckily, he was available and he was the perfect fit for the role! Rachel (editor and PD) did some awesome makeup inspired by ‘Dark Shadows’ to make our main actor look like a vampire with some flare.

This film ended up being a two day shoot, the first day on location at our mutual film friend, Blythe (Dan’s girlfriend)’s house and the second day in one of the studio’s provided by Savannah College of Art and Design.  Both days went super smoothly. We ended up finding out that Colin (part of sound team) new how to do makeup and that he had done theater in his undergrad. As the shoot began we started in Blythe's garage which we turned into a lumber factory and continued into her dining room as a champagne cocktail party! Oh, Movie Magic!

Producer Nikki seeing if the costume works

Erin (DP) and Taylor (honorary intern)

Camera Crew gettin' their film on

Will Swisher as the Vampire during a Scene

Cocktail Scene with Crew

Vampire Interview Set Up - Nice work Erin & Dan