Sunday, August 24, 2014

Film #8 (BTS) – Sergei, The Salty Sea Dog

“The High Flying Adventures of Sergei, The Salty Sea Dog”

A highflying adventure of epic proportions!
Another of Dan’s ideas and in written collaboration with Ben Eades a story told through the eyes of a dog and his best friend the radio operator, saving the world one hot air balloon ride at a time.

This was an epic production for us as filmmakers. We knew from the start that it was going be some work, and that’s why it was put to last of our schedule to film. We had live dogs, puppet dog hands, miniatures, and we shot a in a WWII museum.

This production was also a two day shoot. The first day of shooting was a night shoot at the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum (Thank you Christy). We filmed from 5pm-10:30pm in the Quoset Hut. We rented air force uniform from Acme Costumes in Garden City, Georgia. This is the location where we filmed out radio announcer character played by Jeremy Lister.

The second day was very fun we were in studio. This is where we were filming the hot air balloon scenes. Dan’s girlfriend has a dog named Finn, a long haired Jack Russell Terrier, was our star that day. Rachel created a hot air balloon basket for Finn to sit in while we filmed him. As feared and predicted, Finn was camera shy but still a joy to work with! After Finn acting debut, we began with the miniatures and some beautiful lighting techniques provided by our other interns, Erin and Taylor. After the miniatures we began with the puppet dog hands.

It was a fun shoot and as a producer on the team I am so proud of everyone’s hard work they put in. Throughout the productions everyone wore multiple job hats and kept the budget in mind. We are moving into post promptly and I am sure we will have some high quality work come out of this awesome filming experience.

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