Monday, August 18, 2014

Film #5 (BTS) – Earth Plug In

“Earth Plug In”

Ben, our director came up with this idea from the beginning in the writing stages. He wanted a very narrative driven piece that was also driven by beautiful cinematography.

The script is about a girl who helps her brother plug in a nightlight, and uses the energy of the earth as power.

Starting from Day 1 of this preproduction of the script, producer Nikki was on casting helping find the perfect girl to play the part. Audition after audition, we finally found the cutest boy and girl combination and they were actually real-life brother and sister-- Elise and Alex Fulton. Already being brother and sister, they already had great chemistry. Producer Caroline got the various demanding locations for the script! (Thank you Cort)

This film is also a two day shoot we started at the Fulton’s shooting a bedroom scene, moving on to Tybee Island and surrounding marsh for the sunset.

The second day we shot at Tybee Island in the morning at sunrise and in a Reynolds Square in the evening. This film was demanding but fun we all know its going look great in the end!


  1. Greetings, Interns! I do digital media work for Ocean Exchange and thanks to the great photos above there is now a link to this blog from the Ocean Exchange home page. Thanks for all the awesome work you're doing, and look forward to meeting you at the event in October. -Alys

  2. Thanks Alys! It's great that Ocean Exchange is showcasing our work. Can't wait to show everyone what we've been up to in October!! - Nikki
