Monday, August 11, 2014

Film # 2 (BTS)- Barnacle Man

"Barnacle Man"

With this particular solution we had a lot of different ideas to choose from that would work. After our group vote, “Barnacle Man” written by Daniel Irons, one of our DP’s, was the winner!
“Barnacle Man” is about a chance encounter between a beachie man and a barnacle-encrusted hero who helps him with his saltwater dilemma.

Our crew had another day in the bright sun and clear skies. Our location for this shoot was on Tybee Island (South Beach). It was a beautiful day in which we started filming at 11am!
Richard Cheeley (Barnacle Man) was spectacular addition to the cast making our dreams a reality wearing a great costume provided by Rachel Dotson our production designer. We also had in the cast, Joshua Bolla (beach goer) wore a simple outfit but played a very major role in this production.

As we started filming the tide was out making it harder to film. The crew had to walk from our campsite on the white dry sand through various sandbars and fish to one of the furthest points where the waves were perfect and the actors could act without actual beach goers staring them down. Filming went smoothly until the tide started creeping up on top of them, and suddenly you could see that they were going to get washed away. One of the producers said, “Look its as if they are coming through a flood.” The crew was hurrying to dry sand with all of the equipment in the air above their heads keeping it dry and out of the ocean.

After that there were only a few more shots left.

We ended up finishing early and a few of us actually stayed to grab some sun!

Richard and Joshua have great chemistry on set

Daniel (DP) watching his script come to life


Richard havin' some fun in the sun! 

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