Thursday, August 14, 2014

Film #4 (BTS) – Film Reverse

“Film Reverse”

From the beginning, everyone on the crew thought this solution was a bit confusing at first read. We talked about it endlessly at our meetings. About how to turn the solution into a film, we as a group decided that we needed to film the process of the solution instead of telling a story. Dan one of our wonderful DP’s came up with a great solution, by making a reverse film. Showing chaos first and then an organized pattern! But then the question was how do we show this? After one of our meetings, Dan created a blue print design showing a contraption that he would made where organized objects are set and then thrown in the chaos.

Dan, Rachel, Erin, and Dary and a few others all helped build this awesome contraption over a period of nights. It consisted of a box, a lazy susan, and a piece of wood all screwed together to create a stable turning box mechanism. The interior of the box was spray pained white creating a nice atmosphere. Rachel, Dary, and Dan all agreed upon using Legos as the main chaotic component (in the primary color spectrum).

We filmed this film in the same studio and day as “Vampire Factory”.

To film this technical film we used the Sony Nex Fs100, Movicam 50mm at t/2.0, S&Q motion setting at 1080p at 60fps, played back at 24fps, ISO 500, shutter angle at 120 degrees, shot wide open to hide corners, and shot with custom flat picture profile. We had the camera on the Fisher 10 craned up to about 6ft.

In post we will be reversing it showing chaos and then organization.

(behind the scenes videos are shown in top right)